1. A Programming Language
    2. Applied Physics Laboratory
    3. AP LOCKHEED - also ACK and AOC
    4. Average Picture Level - also AVPL
    5. APOLLO
    6. Approved parts list
    7. Acute promyelocytic leukemia - also apml
    8. Accreditation Of Prior Learning
    9. Allowance Parts List
    10. Algorithmic Programming Language
    11. Aqueous Phase Liquid
    12. Alternative Pollutant Limits
    13. Army Personnel Letter
    14. Army Promotion List
    15. Abductor pollicis longus - also abpl
    16. Acute promyelocytic leukaemia - also APML
    17. Assessment of prior experiential learning - also APEL
    18. Acute promyelocytic leukemias - also APLs

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