1. Army Regulation
    2. ARKANSAS - also Ark, A and Ark.
    3. Anti-reflection
    4. Accounts Receivable - also A/R, a/cs rec., A.R. and A/cs Rec
    5. Acceptance Review
    6. Address Register - also ADR, ADDR and ADRS
    7. Acoustic reflex
    8. Administrative Review
    9. Administrative Record
    10. Argon
    11. ARGENTINA - also ARG and A
    12. As Required - also A/R and ASREQ
    13. Army Regulations
    14. Aspect ratio
    15. Access Register
    16. Active Region
    17. Access Router
    18. Acid resistance
    19. Activation Request - also ACTREQ
    20. Aortic - also AI and AO
    21. Adverse reactions - also ADRs, ADR and ARs
    22. Aldehyde reductase - also ALR and AHR
    23. Adenosine receptor - also AdoR
    24. Alpha1b-adrenergic receptor - also alpha1BAR
    25. Alpha2-adrenergic receptor - also alpha2-AR and alpha2AR
    26. Alpha1-adrenergic receptor - also alpha1-AR
    27. Alpha2-adrenoceptor - also alpha2-AR
    28. Alpha2-adrenergic receptors - also alpha2-AR, alpha2-ARs and alpha2ARs
    29. Alpha1a-adrenergic receptor - also alpha1a-AR
    30. Alpha1-adrenergic receptors - also alpha1-ARs, alpha1ARs and ARs
    31. Alpha1-adrenoceptor - also alpha1-AR
    32. Anterior - also ant, AN and a
    33. Androgen receptors - also ARc, ARs and ARn
    34. Antimicrobial resistance - also AMR
    35. Arcuate nucleus - also ARC, AN, ARCN and ARN
    36. Androgen receptor - also ARn and ARc
    37. Aromatase - also ARO and AROM
    38. Acute rejection episodes - also ARE and AREs
    39. ASARCO, INC. - also ASTX
    40. Airway resistance - also AWR and Raw
    41. Assessment report - also ASSESSREP
    42. Aroclor 1254 - also A1254, ARO and AC

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