1. American Standards Association
    2. Aspirin - also APC and Asp
    3. American Society of Agronomy
    4. American Statistical Association - also ASTA
    5. Advanced SCSI Architecture
    6. Army Security Agency
    7. American Society of Appraisers
    8. AUSA
    9. Abort Sensor Assembly
    10. Acoustical Society of America - also AcSoc
    11. Accessible surface area
    12. All Source Analysis
    13. Advertising Standards Authority
    14. Alternancy symmetry adapted
    15. American Society of Anesthesiologists
    16. Ammunition storage area
    17. Acetylsalicylic acid - also ACSA
    18. Anesthesia - also anes, ANA and AA
    19. Arylsulphatase A - also ARSA
    20. Association - also assoc, Ass, Assn, ASIA, AOA, ACA, A, Assocn, assn. and assoc.
    21. Antisperm antibodies - also ASAB and ASAs
    22. Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay Railway - also ASAB
    23. Air Signal Attenuator
    24. Average Speed of Answer

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