1. Autonomous System Number
    2. Average Sample Number
    3. Abstract Syntax Notation - also ASN1
    4. American Society of Naturalists
    5. Access Stack Node
    6. Atomic Strike Net
    7. Asparagine - also Asp(NH2) and Asx
    8. Acidified sodium nitrite
    9. Advanced Shipping Notice
    10. Advnaced Shipment Notification
    11. AIDS Support Network of San Luis Obispo County
    12. Abstract Symbol Notation
    13. Acute sensory neuropathy
    14. Adobe Solutions Network
    15. Advanced slot notification
    16. Aerospatiale Norme
    17. Alpha-synuclein - also AS, alpha-S, alpha-syn, alphaS, alphaSYN, alpha-SN and alphaSN
    18. American National Standard - also ANS
    19. Asparaginase - also asp and Asnase
    20. Assistant Secretary of the Navy - also ASN(S&L)

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