- Autonomous System Number
- Average Sample Number
- Abstract Syntax Notation - also ASN1
- American Society of Naturalists
- Access Stack Node
- Atomic Strike Net
- Asparagine - also Asp(NH2) and Asx
- Acidified sodium nitrite
- Advanced Shipping Notice
- Advnaced Shipment Notification
- AIDS Support Network of San Luis Obispo County
- Abstract Symbol Notation
- Acute sensory neuropathy
- Adobe Solutions Network
- Advanced slot notification
- Aerospatiale Norme
- Alpha-synuclein - also AS, alpha-S, alpha-syn, alphaS, alphaSYN, alpha-SN and alphaSN
- American National Standard - also ANS
- Asparaginase - also asp and Asnase
- Assistant Secretary of the Navy - also ASN(S&L)
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