1. Atmosphere - also As, atm., @mosFER, AT, A and Atmos
    2. Asynchronous Transfer Mode
    3. Automatic Teller Machine
    4. Automated Teller Machine
    5. Apollo Telescope Mount
    6. Air Turbine Motor
    7. AUTO-MATE
    8. Airborne Thematic Mapper
    9. Abstract Test Method
    10. Adaptive triangular mesh
    11. Adobe Type Manager
    12. Air Tasking Message
    13. Amateur Telescope Maker
    14. Analog Trunk Module
    15. Air Traffic Management
    16. At The Moment
    17. Adobe Typeface Manager
    18. Advanced Trauma Management
    19. Association of Teachers of Mathematics
    20. At-the-money
    21. Aztreonam - also AZT, Az and AZA
    22. Aurothiomalate - also Autm
    23. Antithrombin III - also AT-III and ATIII

    tác giả

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