1. Advanced Technology Program
    2. ATP
    3. Acceptance Test Procedure - also ACP
    4. Authority to Proceed
    5. Acceptance Test Plan
    6. Airline Transport Pilot
    7. Ammunition Transfer Point
    8. Allied Tactical Publication
    9. Appletalk Transaction Protocol
    10. Absolute Time Processor
    11. Allied Technical Publication
    12. Army Training Program
    13. Automated Test Procedure
    14. Available To Promise
    15. Adenosine triphosphate - also adt and ADP
    16. Association for Transpersonal Psychology
    17. ALPS Tunneling Protocol
    18. Automatic Train Protection
    19. Azathioprine - also aza, AZT, AZ and AZP
    20. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia - also AITP
    21. Amitriptyline - also amit, AMI, AT, AMT and Am
    22. Adenosine triphosphatase - also ATPase and ATP-ase

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