1. Attenuated total reflectance
    2. Advanced Test Reactor
    3. Air Transport Radio
    4. Answer To Reset
    5. Air Transport Rating
    6. ASTRA - also ATA
    7. Automatic Terminal Recognition - also ATS
    8. Automatic Target Recognition
    9. Air Turbo Ramjet
    10. Acceptance Test Review
    11. Air Transport Racking
    12. Air Turbo Rocket
    13. Attenuated total reflection
    14. Agency Technical Representative
    15. Assistant Technical Representative
    16. Acceptance Test Results
    17. Acceptance Test Report
    18. Angiotensin II type 1 receptor - also AGT1R, AT-1, ATR1, AT1 and AT1-R
    19. Aided Target Recognition - also AiTR
    20. Atrazine - also AT and ATZ
    21. Atropine - also At and Atro

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