1. AUSTIN - also A and ATN
    2. Army of the United States
    3. AUSTRALIA - also AU, Aust., ARIA, A, Aust, Austl, Austr, Austral and AS
    4. Antioch University Seattle
    5. Atlantic University Sport
    6. Abdominal ultrasonography
    7. Artificial urinary sphincter
    8. Atypia of unknown significance
    9. Augusta Southern Railroad
    10. Ausc, auscultation
    11. Australia serum hepatitis - also AuSH
    12. Acute urethral syndrome
    13. Alcohol users
    14. American Academy of Underwater Sciences - also AAUS
    15. Atomic, Biological and Chemical User Subsystem
    16. Augusta and Summerville Railroad
    17. Australian

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