- Air to Surface Missile
- American society for microbiology
- ASseMbler - also ASS
- All-Sky Monitor
- Analog Subscriber Module
- Association for Systems Management
- Acoustic surface measurement
- American Society for Metals - also AMS
- Activated Sludge Model
- Advanced Server Management
- Automated Scheduling Message
- Abnormal Situation Management
- Auxiliary Storage Manager
- Advanced Scavenging Model
- Anti-Ship Missile
- Application Specific Module
- Automatic Storage Management
- AMERICAN SAMOA - also AS and A.S.
- Acid sphingomyelinase - also ASmase and A-SMase
- Acidic sphingomyelinase - also aSMase and A-SMase
- Assembly - also ASSY, A, Assem and asbly
- Appendicular skeletal muscle mass - also ASMM
- Airway smooth muscle cells - also ASMC and ASMCs
- Airway smooth muscle - also AWSM
- Anti-Submarine - also A/S
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