1. Budget At Completion
    2. Biological activated carbon
    3. Biotechnology Advisory Committee
    4. Buffer Access Card
    5. Bioremediation Action Committee
    6. Blood Alcohol Content
    7. Bacterial artificial chromosome
    8. Bicycle Advisory Committee
    9. Booster Assembly Contractor
    10. Back At Computer
    11. British Association of Counselling
    12. Battle Area Clearance
    13. Broadband Assurance Contact
    14. Boeing Aircraft Company
    15. Boric acid concentrator
    16. Broadband Access Center
    17. Bachelor of Acupuncture
    18. Bacitracin - also BC
    19. Benzalkonium chloride - also BC, BAK, BKC, BZC, BZK and BzCl
    20. Bank of America Corporation - also BAC^A
    21. British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education - also BACIFHE
    22. Bacterial artificial chromosomes - also BACs
    23. Bovine articular chondrocytes - also bACs
    24. Blood alcohol concentrations - also BACs
    25. Bronchioloalveolar carcinomas - also BACs
    26. Bacteria - also B and Bact
    27. Blood ethanol concentrations - also BECs and BEC
    28. Breath alcohol concentration - also BrAC

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