1. Binary Decoder
    2. Bachelor of Divinity
    3. Bonner Durchmusterung
    4. Bomb Disposal
    5. Bank Draft - also B/D and B/F
    6. Big deal
    7. Bills Discounted - also b.d. and B/D
    8. Binary Discrete
    9. Baby Dance
    10. Bowen's disease - also BOD
    11. Bile duct
    12. Bus Director
    13. Binary Digit - also BIT and bigit
    15. BINARY TO DECIMAL - also BTD
    16. Border disease
    17. Budget Division
    18. Beclomethasone dipropionate - also bdp, BEC and BDA
    19. BANGLADESH - also BGD, BG, BAN and B
    20. Bipolar affective disorder - also bpad, BAD, BP and BPD
    21. Benzodiazepine - also bdz, bzd, bdp, BZ, BZP and BNZ
    22. Birth date - also b.d. and bdt.
    23. Blood donors - also BDs
    24. Bilateral deficit - also BLD
    25. Benchmark dose - also BMD
    26. Band - also BND and B
    27. Bi-directional - also BIDI
    28. Blu-ray Disc - also BRD
    29. Baud - also B/S and B

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