1. Bureau of Land Management
    2. BLMC
    3. Bilayer lipid membrane
    4. Bimolecular lipid membranes - also BLMs
    5. Basolateral membranes - also BLMs
    6. Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation Systems Logical Model
    7. Bladder mesenchyme
    8. Bilayer phospholipid membrane
    9. Black lipid membrane
    10. Beam loss monitor
    11. Basolateral membrane
    12. Basolateral plasma membrane
    13. Bayerische Landeszentrale fuer neue Medien
    14. Bilayer lipid membranes - also BLMs
    15. Bilayer membranes
    16. Biotic ligand model
    17. Black lipid membranes - also BLMs
    18. Bleomycin - also bleo, BL, BM and BLE
    19. Bleomycin A5 - also BLM-A5

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