1. Climate Analysis Center
    2. Carrier Access Code
    3. Connection Admission Control
    4. California Administrative Code
    5. Carbon arc cutting
    6. Central Arizona College
    7. Channel Access Code
    8. Citizens Advisory Committee
    9. Containment atmosphere control
    10. Center for Advanced Computation
    11. Combined Arms Center
    12. Critical Aggregation Concentration
    13. Calcium aluminate cement
    14. Calcium - also calc, ca, CallK, Cai and CC
    15. Cacophony
    16. Calcification - also CC, CALC and C
    17. Calcifications - also CC
    18. Cellulose acetate - also CA
    19. Capacity - also C, CAP, cap., CC, Cp, CA and Capy
    20. Compliance - also c, CL, CC, ci, Cp, Ca, Cm, Cpa and Comp
    21. Call Admission Control

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