1. Computer Aided Engineering
    2. Common Applications Environment
    3. Constant analyzer energy
    4. Client Application Enabler
    5. Computer assisted engineering
    6. Certified Association Executive
    7. Capillary array electrophoresis
    8. Common Application Environment
    9. Computer Aided Education
    10. Canadian Academy of Endodontics
    11. Caddo Association of Educators
    12. Canada Award for Excellence
    13. California Avenue Elementary
    14. Calcium excretion
    15. Caerulein - also CER, CLN, CR, CRL and Cn
    16. Carboxylesterase - also CE, CarbE, CBE, CES and CEase
    17. Computer Aided Exercise - also CAX
    18. Cefuroxime axetil - also CXM-AX and CA
    19. Computer-aided engineering - also Comput-Aided Eng

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