1. Column Address Generator
    2. Carcinogen Assessment Group
    3. Continental-arc granitoids
    4. Cancer Assessment Group
    5. Canadian Association of Geographers
    6. Carcinogenic Assessment Group
    7. Combat Arms Group
    8. Community Advisory Groups
    9. Canadian Association of Gerontology
    10. Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
    11. Canadian Association on Gerontology
    12. Carotid angiography
    13. Carrier Air Group
    14. Carrying
    15. Catapult and Arresting Gear
    16. Chick Acquisition Guide
    17. Cerebral angiography - also CA
    18. Coronary angiograms - also CAGs
    19. Civic Action Group - also CIVACTGP
    20. Containing - also CA, CTG, CT and Contg

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