1. Convective Available Potential Energy - also B+
    2. Computer Applications in Production and Engineering
    3. Concurrent Art-to-Product Environment
    4. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester
    5. Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
    6. Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations
    7. Caffeic acid phenetyl ester
    8. Capability and proficiency evaluation
    9. Carex pellita - also CALAN
    10. Circadian Anti-Ischemia Program in Europe
    11. Clifton Assessment Procedure for the Elderly
    12. Collaborative Action for Public Education
    13. Computer Aided Parametric Estimating
    14. Cardiogenic acute pulmonary edema
    15. Civilian Application Programs Engineering
    16. Clifton assessment procedures for the elderly
    17. Computer Adaptive Placement Exams

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