1. Chesapeake Bay Program
    2. Connector Bracket Power
    3. Campus-Based Programs
    4. Customs and Border Protection
    5. Code Block Processor
    6. County Business Patterns
    7. Calcium-binding proteins - also CaBPs, CaBP and CBPs
    8. Calmodulin-binding peptide
    9. CAMP response element binding protein
    10. CAMP-responsive element-binding protein
    11. Carbohydrate-binding proteins
    12. Carboplatin - also cbdca, CP, Cb, Carbo, CPt and Car
    13. Calcium-binding protein - also CaBP and Calbindin
    14. Carotenoid-binding protein
    15. Cap-binding protein
    16. Carbon black particles - also CB
    17. Carcinogen binding protein
    18. Cardiopulmonary bypass - also cpb and CPBP

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