1. Current-Controlled Oscillator
    2. CAMECO
    3. Contract change order
    4. Cisco Connection Online
    5. Classified Control Officer
    6. Close Combat Optic
    7. Crystal Controlled Oscillator
    8. Canyon change order
    9. Cancer Care Ontario
    10. Carotid occlusion - also CO
    11. Channel catfish ovary
    12. Cardiac output - also co and CI
    13. Chief Combat Operations
    14. Central Control Officer
    15. Chargeable cost objective
    16. Cytochrome C oxidase - also cox, cytox, CcOX and Cyt-c-ox
    17. Coconut oil - also CO, CNO, COC and CT
    18. Cytochrome oxidase - also cox, CO, cytox, CYO, COI, COase and Cyt a3

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