Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Core flood tank
    2. Captive Flight Trainer
    3. Common Facilities Test
    4. Complement fixation test - also CF
    5. Conformal Fuel Tank
    6. Calculated free testosterone
    7. Clot formation time
    8. Cavalry fighting vehicle - also CFV
    9. Centre for Film and Theatre
    10. Captive Fight Trainers
    11. Ceftazidime - also CAZ, CTZ, Cef, CZ and CFZ
    12. California Federation of Teachers
    13. Captive Flight Test
    14. Cefatrizine
    15. Certified Family Therapist
    16. Chronic follicular tonsillitis
    17. Cincinnati Federation of Teachers
    18. Colloid filtration theory
    19. Complement Fixation - also CF

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