1. Committed Information Rate
    2. Cargo Integration Review
    3. Commission on Immigration Reform
    4. CARRIER - also CARR, Car, C and CRR
    5. CIRCLE - also CIRC, CIRCL, CRCL, CRCLE, CC, C and CRC
    6. Cost Information Report
    7. Canada-India Reactor
    8. CIRCUIT - also CKT, CCT, C, Circ and Circ.
    9. Combustion Integrated Rack
    10. Carrier to Interference Ratio - also C/I
    11. Circulate - also C and CRCLC
    12. Coherent Imaging Radar
    13. Configuration Inspection Report
    14. Controlled Impact Reentry
    15. Circumference - also CIRC, CIRCUM, C, cm and CC
    16. Continuing Intelligence Requirement
    17. Cellular immune response
    18. Call Initiate Request
    19. Chimeric immune receptors - also CIRs

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