1. Capacity Limiting Constituents
    2. Clear Carry Flag
    3. Course Line Computer
    4. Cholesteric liquid crystal
    5. COLES - also COS and CLS
    6. Change Letter Control
    7. Channel Level Control
    8. Câmara de Liquidação e Custódia
    9. Cancel lot cycle
    10. Capillary liquid chromatography - also capLC
    11. Cardiotrophin-like cytokine
    12. Cambridge Latin Course
    13. Capital Library Cooperative
    14. Clearance - also cl, cl., Clr, CC, CrC, Cr, Cer, clnc and C
    15. Chloride channel - also CLCA
    16. Circulating immune complexes - also CIC and CICs
    17. Colchicine - also COL, CC, Co, Colch and CH

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