1. Critical micelle concentration
    2. Computer Mediated Communications
    3. Common Messaging Calls
    4. Crew Module Computer
    5. Ceramic Matrix Composite
    6. Ceramic Matrix Composites
    7. Common Mail Calls
    8. Call Modification Completed
    9. Canadian Meteorological Centre
    10. Command Module Computer
    11. Carbon Matrix Composite
    12. Center for Marine Conservation - also CEC
    13. Certified Management Consultant
    14. Commandant Marine Corps
    15. Communication Management Configuration
    16. Chemistry, manufacturing and controls
    17. Communication - also COM, Cmmn, COMM, C, Commun, COM(n) and Comn
    18. Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis - also CMCC
    19. Critical micelle concentrations - also CMCs
    20. Cultured mast cells - also CMCs
    21. Cardiomyocytes - also CM, CMs and CMCs
    22. Critical micellar concentrations - also CMCs

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