- Command - also COMD, COM, com&, C and Comm
- Circuit Mode Data
- Catalog Management Data
- Contracts Management Division
- Count median diameter
- Cartilage matrix deficiency
- Carboxymethyldextran
- Cefamandole - also CM, CEF and CFM
- Central Materials Depot
- Charge Modulated Device
- Carbohydrate Membrane Desalter
- Carrier Medical Director
- Cassava mosaic disease
- Catalogue Management Data
- Cefamandole sodium
- Centroid molecular dynamics
- Chronic myeloproliferative disorders - also CMPD and CMPDs
- Congenital myotonic dystrophy - also CDM and CMyD
- Craniomandibular disorders - also CMDs
- Congenital muscular dystrophies - also CMDs
- Criticare Systems, Inc. - also CXIM
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