1. Command - also COMD, COM, com&, C and Comm
    2. Circuit Mode Data
    3. Catalog Management Data
    4. Contracts Management Division
    5. Count median diameter
    6. Cartilage matrix deficiency
    7. Carboxymethyldextran
    8. Cefamandole - also CM, CEF and CFM
    9. Central Materials Depot
    10. Charge Modulated Device
    11. Carbohydrate Membrane Desalter
    12. Carrier Medical Director
    13. Cassava mosaic disease
    14. Catalogue Management Data
    15. Cefamandole sodium
    16. Centroid molecular dynamics
    17. Chronic myeloproliferative disorders - also CMPD and CMPDs
    18. Congenital myotonic dystrophy - also CDM and CMyD
    19. Craniomandibular disorders - also CMDs
    20. Congenital muscular dystrophies - also CMDs
    21. Criticare Systems, Inc. - also CXIM

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