1. Certified Public Accountant
    2. Chief Patrol Agent
    3. Closest Point of Approach
    4. Coherent potential approximation
    5. Critical Path Analysis
    6. Canadian Paraplegic Association
    7. Canadian Psychological Association
    8. Canadian Payments Association
    9. Chairman's Program Assessment
    10. Cerebellopontine angle - also c-p
    11. Chief of Public Affairs
    12. Clinical Pathology Accreditation
    13. Charged Particle Analysis
    14. Chirped pulse amplification
    15. Claims Payable Abroad
    16. Computer Program Abstracts
    17. Co-Polar Attenuation
    18. Commander, Pacific Area
    19. Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association
    20. Carboxypeptidase A - also CP-A
    21. Cyclosporin A - also cya, csa, CS-A, CY-A, Cs, CySA, CSP and CA
    22. Cyproterone acetate - also CA and CYA
    23. Cis-parinaric acid - also cis-PnA, cPnA and cis-PA
    24. Cyclophosphamide - also cy, cyc, ctx, CP, CPM, CyP, Cyclo, CPH, CPP, CC, CYPH and Cyclop
    25. Carboxypeptidase - also CP and CPase
    26. Cryoprotectants - also CPAs
    27. Cryoprotective agents - also CPAs
    28. Compliance - also c, CL, CC, ci, Cp, Ca, CAC, Cm and Comp

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