Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.
- Comprehensive Performance Test
- Charge Parity Time
- Command Pass Through
- Cargo Processing Technician
- Captain - also CAPT, Capn, Capt(N), Capt(R), Cap and capt.
- Chest physiotherapy - also CP
- Computer Program Tapes
- Contractor Provided Training
- Carriage Paid To
- Common Pilot Tone
- Cone Penetrometer Test
- Constant Power Throttling
- Camden Property Trust
- Canadian Pacific Railway - also CASO, CPR, CP, CPAA, CPBU, CPBZ, CPI, CPPU, CPPZ, CPRS, CPRZ, DA, DSA, EN, MILW, MNS, NJ and SOO
- Calprotectin
- Camptothecin - also CAM and CA
- Carboplatin - also cbdca, CP, CBP, Cb, Carbo and Car
- Cockpit - also CKPT
- Canadian Pacific Railway Company - also CP, CPAA, CPI, CPPU, CPPZ, CPRS and CPRZ
- Cisplatin - also CP, CIS, cisPt, CISP and CPL
- Chlorprothixene - also CPX
- Commercially pure titanium - also cpTi and CP-Ti
- Choroid plexus tumors - also CPTs
- Conjunctival provocation tests - also CPTs
- Carnitine palmitoyltransferase - also CPTo
- Current perception thresholds - also CPTs
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