Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Comprehensive Performance Test
    2. Charge Parity Time
    3. Command Pass Through
    5. Cargo Processing Technician
    6. Captain - also CAPT, Capn, Capt(N), Capt(R), Cap and capt.
    7. Chest physiotherapy - also CP
    8. Computer Program Tapes
    9. Contractor Provided Training
    10. Carriage Paid To
    11. Common Pilot Tone
    12. Cone Penetrometer Test
    13. Constant Power Throttling
    14. Camden Property Trust
    15. Canadian Pacific Railway - also CASO, CPR, CP, CPAA, CPBU, CPBZ, CPI, CPPU, CPPZ, CPRS, CPRZ, DA, DSA, EN, MILW, MNS, NJ and SOO
    16. Calprotectin
    17. Camptothecin - also CAM and CA
    18. Carboplatin - also cbdca, CP, CBP, Cb, Carbo and Car
    19. Cockpit - also CKPT
    20. Canadian Pacific Railway Company - also CP, CPAA, CPI, CPPU, CPPZ, CPRS and CPRZ
    21. Cisplatin - also CP, CIS, cisPt, CISP and CPL
    22. Chlorprothixene - also CPX
    23. Commercially pure titanium - also cpTi and CP-Ti
    24. Choroid plexus tumors - also CPTs
    25. Conjunctival provocation tests - also CPTs
    26. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase - also CPTo
    27. Current perception thresholds - also CPTs

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