Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. C reactive protein - also c-rp and cpr
    2. Control and Reporting Post - also CPR
    3. Conservation Reserve Program
    4. Capacity requirements planning
    5. Child Resistant Packaging
    6. Configuration Requirements Processing
    7. Community Relations Plan
    8. CAMP receptor protein - also cAMP-CRP and CAP
    9. Candidate Rendezvous Point - also C-RP
    10. Combat Reconnaissance Platoon
    11. Command Readiness Program
    12. Combat reconnaissance patrol
    13. COMSEC Resources Program
    14. Customer Routing Point
    15. Central receiving point
    16. Common Reference Platform
    17. Cost reduction program
    18. C-reactive protein
    19. C-reaction protein
    20. Chromium picolinate - also CrPic, Cr-pic and CP
    21. Creatine phosphate - also cp and Cr-P
    22. C-reactive proteins - also CRPs
    23. Complement regulatory proteins - also CRPs

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