1. Certified System Engineer
    2. Communications Systems Engineer
    3. Configuration Switching Equipment
    4. Center for Software Engineering
    5. Computer Science and Engineering
    6. Cigarette smoke extract
    7. Common Support Equipment
    8. Consortium for Superconducting Electronics
    9. Communications Security Establishment
    10. Client-Server Environment
    11. Computer Support Equipment
    12. Child Support Enforcement
    13. Catalytic Surface Effects
    14. Customer Service Engineer
    15. CAMEL Service Environments
    16. Campaign for Science and Engineering
    17. Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia - also CSEA
    18. Combined spinal-epidural analgesia - also CSEA
    19. Combined spinal and epidural anesthesia - also CSEA
    20. CTOC Support Element - also CTOCSE
    21. Clearfil SE Bond - also CSEB and CB
    22. Course - also CRS, CRSE and C

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