1. Clear To Send - also CS and CLS
    2. Conversational Time Sharing
    3. Communications Technology Satellite
    4. Communications and Tracking System - also C&TS
    5. Computer Test Set
    6. Carpal tunnel syndrome
    8. Computerized Training System
    9. Canadian Technology Satellite
    10. Call to Stations
    11. Coded Time Sequence
    12. Common Transport Semantic
    13. Cloud Top Scanner
    14. Committee on the Teaching of Science
    15. Common Type System
    16. Composition Time Stamp
    17. Chitosan - also CS, CH, CHI and Chit
    18. Clinical trials - also CCTs, CCT and CT
    19. Cytotrophoblasts - also CT and CTBs
    20. Controls - also CON, CO, CTL, CONT, CTR, CTRL, CS, Ct, Cn, CL, CNT, CR, Ctls, CONs, ctrs and CTRLs

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