- Clear To Send - also CS and CLS
- Conversational Time Sharing
- Communications Technology Satellite
- Communications and Tracking System - also C&TS
- Computer Test Set
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Computerized Training System
- Canadian Technology Satellite
- Call to Stations
- Coded Time Sequence
- Common Transport Semantic
- Cloud Top Scanner
- Committee on the Teaching of Science
- Common Type System
- Composition Time Stamp
- Chitosan - also CS, CH, CHI and Chit
- Clinical trials - also CCTs, CCT and CT
- Cytotrophoblasts - also CT and CTBs
- Controls - also CON, CO, CTL, CONT, CTR, CTRL, CS, Ct, Cn, CL, CNT, CR, Ctls, CONs, ctrs and CTRLs
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