1. Carrier Wave - also C/W
    2. Continuous wave
    3. Chemical Warfare - also Chem Warf
    4. Control Word
    5. Call Waiting
    6. Cell wall
    7. Chest wall
    8. Clean water
    9. Command Word
    10. Chemical Weapon
    11. Chest wall compliance - also CT and Ccw
    12. Composite Wave
    13. Computer World
    14. Congress Watch
    15. Cooling water
    16. Calcofluor white - also CFW
    17. Cable Wire
    18. California Western
    19. Clockwise - also c, clw and CLKWS
    20. Continuous wave Doppler - also CWD
    21. Cell wall fragments - also CWF
    22. Cell walls - also CWs
    23. Carcass weight - also CWT
    24. Consistent with - also c/w

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