1. Chief of Staff - also CSA, CofS, CS, C of S and C/S
    2. COLES - also CLC and CLS
    3. Class of Service - also CS
    4. Concurrent Operating System
    5. Carry-on Oxygen System
    6. Compatible Operating System
    7. Console Operating System
    8. Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
    9. Cosine
    10. Cray Operating System
    11. Card Operating System
    12. Cassette Operating System
    13. Clip On Socket
    14. Commercial Operating System
    15. Conservative Opportunity Society
    16. Computer Operating System
    17. Cost Accounting System - also CAS
    18. Corporation for Open Systems
    19. Critical Occupational Specialties
    20. Because - also BC, B/C, BK, BCOZ and bec.
    21. Cone outer segments - also COSs
    22. Change Of Subject - also C/S

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