1. Digital to Analog Converter
    2. Data Acquisition Camera
    3. DACIA
    4. Development Assistance Committee
    5. Data Acquisition and Control
    6. Derived air concentration
    7. Department of the Army Civilian
    8. Diamond anvil cell
    9. Design Automation Conference
    10. Douglas Aircraft Corporation
    11. Defense Acquisition Circular
    12. Digital Analog Converter
    13. Dialog-to-Analog Converter
    14. Discretionary Access Control
    15. Digital Access Controller
    16. Dual Attached Concentrator
    17. Disaster Assistance Center
    18. Daclizumab - also DZB
    19. Days After Contract Award - also DACA
    20. Dachshund - also Dach
    21. Digital-to-Analog Converter - also D/A, D/AC and DACON
    22. Dissimilar Air Combat Training - also DACT

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