1. Device Driver Interface
    2. Digital Document Interchange
    3. Distributed Data Interface
    4. Dedicated Display Indicator
    5. Direct Dialing-In
    6. Discrete Data Input
    7. Direct Dial In
    8. Direct Digital Interface
    9. Discrete Digital Input
    10. Data-Driven Interaction
    11. Decoy and Defensive Integration
    12. Defensive ECM and Decoy Integration
    13. Data Display Indicator
    14. Density-dependent inhibition
    15. Damage-inducible - also din
    16. Data Distribution Initiative
    17. Decisions and Designs, Inc.
    18. Decoy/DECM Integration
    19. Delivered dose-intensity
    20. Design Development and Implementation - also DD&I
    21. Drug-drug interactions - also DDIs

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