1. December - also D
    2. Digital Equipment Corporation - also DECNET
    3. Decimal - also D and Decml
    4. Decrement - also DECR and decrt
    5. Deceased - also d, dec., dec'd and d'd.
    6. Decrease - also DECR, D and DCR
    7. Department of Environmental Control
    8. Device Clear - also DCL
    9. Data Exchange Committee
    10. Damara Executive Committee
    11. Data Entry Clerk
    12. Davis and Elkins College
    13. DECISION - also D, Decis, decn and decis.
    14. Decision, Declaration, Decree
    15. Decode - also DCD and D
    16. Diethylcarbamazine citrate - also DEC-C and DECC

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