1. Department of Environmental Protection
    2. Departure - also dep.
    3. Dependent - also DP and D
    4. DEP
    5. Depart - also DPT and D
    6. Deputy - also 2IC, Dep. and Depy
    7. Dedicated Experiment Processor
    8. Delayed Entry Program
    9. Depot - also D and dep.
    10. Displaced Employee Program
    11. Data Entry Panel
    12. Direct exposure probe
    13. Deflection Error Probable
    14. Defense Enterprise Program
    15. Dental Expense Plan
    16. Data Execution Prevention
    17. Deployment - also deploy
    18. Diesel exhaust particles - also DEPs
    19. Diesel exhaust particulates - also DEPs
    20. Depression - also Depr

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