- Data Encryption Standard
- Department of Education and Science
- Descend - also D and DSND
- Data Exchange System - also DXS
- Data Entry Sheet
- Delivered Ex Ship
- Department of Emergency Services
- Detached Eddy Simulation
- Dynamic Environment Simulator
- Descent - also DESC and DSCNT
- Destination End System
- Diethylstilbestrol
- Discrete event simulation
- Description - also DESCRIP, DESC, D, Descr, Descrpn and descp
- Design - also DA, Dzine and Desg
- Dailard Elementary School
- D'arcy Elementary School
- Dailey Elementary School
- Data Extraction Segment - also DE/S
- Diethylstilbestrol diphosphate - also DEP-S, DES-dp, DES-P, DESDP and DESP
- Desacetylcefotaxime - also dCtx and des-CTX
- DEStroy - also DEST and D
- Describe - also descr
- Desferrioxamine - also dfo, DFX, DF and DSF
- Desipramine - also DMI, DIM and DESI
- Drug-eluting stents - also DESs
- Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization - also DOES
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