1. Direction Finder - also D/F
    2. Direction Finding - also D/F and DIRF
    3. Dose factor
    4. Diesel fuel
    5. Disassembly Facility
    6. Degree of freedom - also DOF
    7. Dermatofibroma
    8. Dissipation Factor
    9. Deflection Factor
    10. Deuterium Fluoride
    11. Data Field
    12. Data Fusion - also DATFUS
    13. Dedicated File
    14. Data Formatter
    15. Demand flow
    16. Defensive Fire
    17. Dengue fever
    18. Djibouti Franc - also DJF
    19. Dibenzofuran - also DBF
    20. Deferoxamine - also DFO, DFX and DEF
    21. Desferrioxamine - also dfo, DFX, DES and DSF
    22. Diclofenac - also DCF, DC, DICLO and DIC
    23. Deflazacort - also DFZ and DFC
    24. D-fenfluramine - also d-FEN, d-F, DFEN and D-FF
    25. Desferrioxamine B - also DFO, DFOB and DFB
    26. Diclofenac sodium - also DS, DFS, DfNa, Dc and DNa
    27. Defibrotide - also DEF and DFT
    28. Default - also DFLT and D
    29. Dermal fibroblasts - also DFB
    30. Defibrillation - also DFT and Defib
    31. Dexfenfluramine - also DFEN, d-F, d-fen, D-FF, dex and dFF
    32. Director of Finance - also DOF
    33. Degrees of freedom - also DOF
    34. Dense fibrillar component - also DFC
    35. Direction-Finder - also D/F
    36. Direction-Finding - also D/F

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