1. Digital Fourier Transform
    2. Discrete Fourier Transform
    3. Design For Test
    4. Density Functional Theory
    5. Department For Transport
    6. Demand flow technology
    7. Discrete Fourier Transformation
    8. Down Flow Tent
    9. Diagnostic Function Test
    10. Distributed Function Terminal
    11. Drive Fitness Test
    12. DART Fixed Terminal
    13. Defibrillation - also DF and Defib
    14. Defibrillation thresholds - also DFTs
    15. Defibrotide - also DF and DEF
    16. Dementia frontal lobe type
    17. Draft - also df., dft. and D
    18. Defibrillation threshold - also DT
    19. Defibrillation threshold testing

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