1. Data Processing Center
    2. Department of Premier and Cabinet
    3. Destination Point Code
    4. Defense Planning Committee - also DIDC
    5. Direct Program Control
    6. Delayed primary closure
    7. Domestic Policy Council
    8. Direct Power Converter
    9. D post coitum
    10. D-penicillamine - also D-Pen, DPA, DP, D-PA, D-Pc and D-P
    11. Damp-proof course
    12. Danish Polar Center
    13. Data Process Center
    14. Data Process Computer
    15. Damage Potential Category
    16. Damp Proof Course
    17. Data Page Count
    18. Data Path Controller
    19. Dystrophin-associated protein complex - also DAPC
    20. Diphencyprone - also DCP and DPCP
    21. Diphenylcyclopropenone - also DPCP and DCP
    22. Disaturated phosphatidylcholine - also DSPC
    23. Dermal papilla cells - also DPCs
    24. Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine - also DPPC

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