- Defense Supply Agency
- Digital Storage Architecture
- Directory System Agent
- Distributed System Architecture
- Digital Signature Algorithm - also DAS
- Digital subtraction angiography
- Dimensionally stable anode
- Division Support Area
- Data Service Adapter
- Data Set Adapter
- Debian Security Announcement
- Dial Service Assistance
- Distributed Systems Architecture
- Dynamic Scalable Architecture
- Data Systems Architecture
- Debian System Administration
- Doppler shift attenuation
- Dynamic simulated annealing
- Canadian Pacific Railway - also CASO, CPR, CP, CPAA, CPBU, CPBZ, CPI, CPPU, CPPZ, CPRS, CPRZ, CPT, DA, EN, MILW, MNS, NJ and SOO
- Soo Line - also CPBU and CPBZ
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