1. Domestic violence
    2. Designated Verification
    3. Daily Value
    4. Designee for Verification
    5. Digital Video - also DVD
    6. Discrete Variational
    7. Distinguished Visitor
    8. Demand Valve
    9. Debit Voucher
    10. Data View
    11. Data are valid
    12. DatenVerarbeitung
    13. Delaware Valley Railway
    14. Delta virus
    15. Dengue type 2 virus - also DEN2, DEN-2 and D2V
    16. Delaware Valley Railway Company
    17. Dengue virus Type 2 - also DEN-2, DENV-2 and DEN2
    18. Dengue viruses - also DEN, DVs and DENV
    19. Dengue virus - also DEN and DENV
    20. DIVIDE - also DIV, DVD and D
    21. Divorced - also div, D and div.
    22. Dorsal-ventral - also d-v
    23. Dorsoventral - also D-V

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