- Domestic violence
- Designated Verification
- Daily Value
- Designee for Verification
- Digital Video - also DVD
- Discrete Variational
- Distinguished Visitor
- Demand Valve
- Debit Voucher
- Data View
- Data are valid
- DatenVerarbeitung
- Delaware Valley Railway
- Delta virus
- Dengue type 2 virus - also DEN2, DEN-2 and D2V
- Delaware Valley Railway Company
- Dengue virus Type 2 - also DEN-2, DENV-2 and DEN2
- Dengue viruses - also DEN, DVs and DENV
- Dengue virus - also DEN and DENV
- DIVIDE - also DIV, DVD and D
- Divorced - also div, D and div.
- Dorsal-ventral - also d-v
- Dorsoventral - also D-V
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