Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Electronic Industries Association
    2. Environmental Impact Assessment
    3. Energy Information Administration
    4. Electronic Industry Alliance
    5. Engineering Industries Association
    6. Economic Impact Assessment
    7. Equine infectious anemia
    8. Electronics Industries Association
    9. Exercise induced asthma
    10. Environmental Impact Analysis
    11. Enzyme immunoassay
    12. Eikonal impulse approxn.
    13. Eaton Vance Insured California Municipal Bond Fund II
    14. Early region IA
    15. Electrical Institute of America
    16. Electrical Industries Association
    17. Electroimmunoassay
    18. Electronic Industries Alliance
    19. Extracorporeal immunoadsorption - also ECIA
    20. Enzyme-linked immunoassay - also ELISA and ELIA
    21. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays - also ELISAs, ELISA and EIAs
    22. Enzyme-linked immunoassays - also ELISA, ELISAs and EIAs
    23. Enzyme immunoassays - also EIAs
    24. Enzyme immunometric assay - also EIMA
    25. Exercise-induced anaphylaxis - also EIAn
    26. Enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay - also ELISA
    27. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - also ELISA
    28. Enzyme immunoassay technique - also EMIT

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