- Expanded Position Indicator
- Echo-planar imaging
- Epichlorohydrin - also ECH and ECHH
- Environmental Policy Institute
- Electronic Position Indicator
- Expanded programme on immunization
- Environmental Priorities Initiative
- Eagle-Picher
- Expanded Program on Immunization
- Echo planar image
- Echo-planar images
- Educational Priority Indices
- Efflux pump inhibitor
- Echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging
- Epidoxorubicin - also Epidx and EDOX
- Epithelial cells - also EC, EEC, ECs, EECs and EPC
- Epiandrosterone - also EA and EPIA
- Electronic Portal Images - also EPIs
- Epirubicin - also EPIR and EPR
- Epinephrine - also E, EP, EN and EPN
- Epithelial - also E- and EE
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