Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Enterprise Resource Planning - also ER
    2. Eye Reference Point
    3. Equivalent Radiated Power
    4. Error Recovery Procedure
    5. Enforcement Response Policy
    6. Equipment Reception Party
    7. Early Reduction Program
    8. Effective Radiated Power
    9. Effective refractory period
    10. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography - also ERCP and ERP-CT
    11. Environmental Restoration Program
    12. Event related potential
    13. Environmental review process
    14. Emergency Response Plan
    15. Early receptor potential
    16. Ear reference point
    17. Early Retirement Pension
    18. Economic Recovery Programme
    19. Electrophysiological - also EP and EEG
    20. Event-related brain potentials - also ERPs
    21. Effective refractory periods - also ERPs
    22. Event-related potentials - also ERPs

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