- Eastern Standard Time
- Estimate - also E
- Establish - also estab and ESTB
- Estimation - also E and Estn
- Emergency Support Team
- Estimated - also est., estd and estd.
- Expressed sequence tag
- ESTONIA - also EE, EN and E
- Electronic Spark Timing
- Established - also est., estab and estbd
- ESTATE - also est.
- Elastance - also E, Ea and EL
- Electoconvulsive shock therapy
- Ehrlich solid tumor
- Electrical stimulation therapy
- Exercise stress testing - also ETT and ET
- Endodermal sinus tumors - also ESTs
- Expressed sequenced tags - also ESTs
- Expressed sequence tags - also ESTs
- Expression sequence tags - also ESTs
- Estradiol - also e2, E, ER, ES and Ed
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