- Estimated time of arrival - also E.T.A.
- Employment and Training Administration
- Explosive Transfer Assembly
- External Tank Attachment
- Educational Television Association
- Edited To Add
- Eigenstructure tracking analysis
- Environmental Test Article
- Energy Tax Act
- Estimated Time to Acquisition
- External Tank Attack
- Eicosatetraynoic acid - also ETYA
- Eicosa-5,8,11,14-tetraynoic acid - also ETYA
- Eicosatrienoic acid - also ETrA
- Electron Tunneling Accelerometer
- Electronic Test Automation
- Electronic Transfer Account
- Electronics Test Area
- Endothelin type A - also ET(A)
- Endothelin receptor A - also ET-A
- Ethionamide - also eth
- Ethacrynic acid - also EA, ECA, ETHA and EAA
- Exotoxin A - also ExoA
- Engineering Training Authority - also EnTra
- Endothelin A receptor - also ETAR
tác giả
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