- Electron paramagnetic resonance
- Ethylene-propylene rubber
- East Pacific Rise
- Engine Pressure Ratio
- Essential Performance Requirements
- Electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation
- Equipment Performance Report
- Extended Product Responsibility
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
- Early-phase reaction
- Electon paragmagnetic resonance
- Education in Personal Relationships
- Electrochem. potentiodynamic reactivation
- Effective Programme Review
- Early phase response
- Earnings Price Ratio
- Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen
- Electron spin resonance - also esr
- Epirubicin - also epi and EPIR
- Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy - also EPRS
- Erythropoietin receptor - also EPOR and EPO-R
- Electronic Patient Records - also EPRs
- Effective Protection Rate
tác giả
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