- Federal Laboratory Consortium
- Federal Library Committee
- Forward Load Control
- Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Fort Lewis College
- Fine Loop Control
- Federal Laboratory Commission
- Ferro-electric Liquid Crystal
- Fetal liver cells - also FLCs
- Fibroblast-like cells - also FLCs and FCs
- Fibrolamellar carcinoma of the liver
- Flecainide - also FLE and FLEC
- Fleet Logistics Center
- Federal Liason Committee
- Ferroelec. liq. crystal
- Fibrolamellar carcinoma
- Fixed Length Codeword
- Flaherty and Crumrine/Claymore Total Return Fund Inc
- Fluconazole - also fcz, FLU, FLCZ, FLZ, FL, Fluc and FCA
- Friend leukemia cells - also FLCs
- Friend erythroleukemia cells - also FELC and FEC
- Friend erythroleukemia cell - also FELC
- Friend erythroleukaemia cells - also FELC
- Friend erythroleukemic cells - also FELC
- Free light chains - also FLCs
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