- Full-Time
- Feet - also f.
- Functional Test - also FCT
- Fourier transform - also FRT
- Financial Times - also Financ Times
- Flight Team
- Formal Training
- Fault Tolerance
- Fault Tolerant
- Fiber Terminal
- Field Test
- Flight Test
- Foot/Feet
- Fibrous tissue
- Foot - also f%t, ft. and F
- Fourier transformation - also FFT
- Free T - also fT(4), fT(3) and FT4
- Fucosyltransferase - also FucT and Fuc-T
- FORT - also FRT and ft.
- Free testosterone - also Free-T, fTe and F-T
- Farnesyltransferase - also FTase
- False Target - also FTGT
- Fraction - also f, FI, FA, Fr, F-I, FC and Frac
- Full time - also F/T
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