Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Gas chromatography distillation
    2. General and complete disarmament
    3. Germ cell-deficient
    4. Globlal Communication Disorder
    5. Glow curve deconvolution
    6. Goblet cell density
    7. Granule cell dispersion
    8. Grenada Community Day
    9. Gateway Community Day
    10. Gerber Community Day
    11. Gilroy Community Day
    12. Glomerulocystic disease
    13. Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase - also GCDH and GDH
    14. Graft coronary disease
    15. Granular corneal dystrophy
    16. Granule cell domain
    17. Greater confinement disposal

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