Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Viết tắt.

    1. Geostationary Earth Orbit
    2. Global Environment Outlook
    3. Geographic - also GIS and Geogr
    4. Geosynchronous Earth Orbit - also GSO
    5. Geosynchronous
    6. Gene expression omnibus
    7. Geostationary Earth Orbiter
    8. GEORGIA - also GE, GA, GG, G, Georg and Ga.
    9. Geographic Coordinate System - also GCS
    10. Geosciences Directorate
    11. Georgian
    12. Geostationary Orbit - also GSO
    13. Geospatial Metadata Application Profile
    14. Geosynchronous Orbit
    15. Geostationary Earth Observation
    16. Graduate Employee Organization

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